
Your Design
- You can have your very own unique silk scarf produced with your own design or image. It could be your favorite cat that you want to snuggle around you, your own painting or your grandchild's best picture that you want immortalized on the delicious silk.
- Do not hesitate to contact me for the possibilities
Estrid Maria Eriksen:
Estrid Maria Eriksen has been an active artist since 1997 and works with a large variation of genres. Read more about Estrid here:
The entire process of getting a production going in the most sustainable possible way, with the manufacturing of the scarf in Denmark, has naturally given reason for much studying and thus insight in the UN's 17 world goals in its entirety and the reasoning behind them. The UN 17 scarf was for that very reason the first that was set into production and thus began the collaboration with Estrid.
Estrid originates from Fredericia and it's only natural that she will be the artist for the upcoming artwork of the Fredericia themed scarfs.

Karen Hestbech:
Karen is born and raised ind the city Ho near Blåvand and paints the most beautiful pieces of art,
many of these of areas local to her.
Read more about Karen here:
Blåvand is both one of my most favourite places in Denmark and vacation location, it's for that reason a pleasure to share these wonderful places on my silk scarfs.
Dorthe Christensen:
Dorthe is an educated typographer in Fredericia and at the School of Arts and Crafts in Kolding.
Read more about Dorthe here:
I am delighted to be allowed to reproduce Dorthe's graphic version of Fredericia Lion on my silk scarves and after talking and visiting her workshop and gallery in Fredericia, there is no doubt that more of Dorthe's art paintings will appear on the silk scarves.

Søs Brysch:
Søs Brysch uddannet på Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi men valgte i stedet at arbejde som artist i en årrække inden hun vendte tilbage til sin kunst. En efteruddannelse på Kunstakademiet i Firenze er også på visitkortet, ligesom hun som den første af mange kunstnere der maler på de verdenskendte VIPP spande, som er blevet udstillet på Louvre i Paris.
Søs har udført utallige udsmykninger på bla hospitaler, kirker, uddannelsesinstitutioner, rådhuse og Operaen og Gl. scene i Kbh.
Søs har sin daglige gang i hendes galleri på Bernstorff Slot hvor hun har sit galleri i Kavalergården på Bernstorff Slot.